Wednesday, August 23, 2023

50 DOS commands with description.


1.      DIR: Displays a list of files and folders in the current directory.

2.      CD: Changes the current directory.

3.      MD (or MKDIR): Creates a new directory.

4.      RD (or RMDIR): Removes an empty directory.

5.      COPY: Copies files from one location to another.

6.      XCOPY: Copies files and folders and can handle subdirectories.

7.      DEL (or ERASE): Deletes files.

8.      REN: Renames a file or directory.

9.      EDIT: Opens the MS-DOS Editor for creating or editing text files.

10.   TYPE: Displays the content of a text file.

11.   MOVE: Moves files or directories from one location to another.

12.   ATTRIB: Displays or changes file attributes (read-only, hidden, etc.).

13.   FORMAT: Formats a disk or drive.

14.   CHKDSK: Checks a disk for errors and repairs them.

15.   TREE: Displays the directory structure in a graphical manner.

16.   FIND: Searches for a specific text in a file or files.

17.   TIME: Displays or sets the system time.

18.   DATE: Displays or sets the system date.

19.   HELP: Displays help information about DOS commands.

20.   PING: Sends a network request to a specified host to check connectivity.

21.   IPCONFIG: Displays the IP configuration of network interfaces.

22.   TRACERT: Traces the route that packets take to reach a destination.

23.   NETSTAT: Displays network statistics and active connections.

24.   SHUTDOWN: Shuts down or restarts the computer.

25.   TASKLIST: Lists all currently running tasks and processes.

26.   TASKKILL: Terminates a running task or process.

27.   DISKPART: Manages disk partitions.

28.   COMP: Compares the contents of two files.

29.   DEBUG: Starts the Debug utility for low-level programming and testing.

30.   XCOPY: Copies files and directories with more options than the basic COPY command.

31.   ASSOC: Displays or modifies file extension associations.

32.   FC: Compares two files or sets of files and displays the differences.

33.   LABEL: Creates, changes, or deletes the volume label of a disk.

34.   MEM: Displays information about the available memory.

35.   MODE: Configures system devices and settings.

36.   MORE: Displays text files one screen at a time.

37.   PATH: Displays or sets the search path for executable files.

38.   SET: Displays, sets, or removes environment variables.

39.   VER: Displays the version of MS-DOS.

40.   VOL: Displays the volume label and serial number of a disk.

41.   CHKNTFS: Checks the NTFS file system for errors.

42.   KEYB: Configures the keyboard layout.

43.   PRINT: Prints a text file to a specified printer.

44.   EXIT: Exits the Command Prompt or batch script.

45.   PROMPT: Changes the Command Prompt's prompt text.

46.   RUNDLL32: Runs functions stored in DLL files.

47.   SYSTEMINFO: Displays detailed configuration information about a computer.

48.   DEBUG: Launches the Debug utility for low-level programming.

49.   SCANDISK: Checks and repairs file system errors.

50.   DEFRAG: Optimizes the disk drive's performance by defragmenting files.

Remember, the availability and functionality of these commands may vary based on the version of DOS or the operating system you're using. Always exercise caution when using system-level commands.

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