Showing posts with label Speak English. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Speak English. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 23, 2023

50 examples of sentences in Present Continuous Tense translated from Hindi to English.

1.      मैं खाना खा रहा हूँ। (I am eating food.)

2.      वह पढ़ रही है। (She is reading.)

3.      तुम क्या कर रहे हो? (What are you doing?)

4.      हम खेल रहे हैं। (We are playing.)

5.      वे सड़क पार कर रहे हैं। (They are crossing the road.)

6.      राज गाना गा रहा है। (Raj is singing.)

7.      उसका बच्चा सो रहा है। (Her child is sleeping.)

8.      आप क्या सोच रहे हैं? (What are you thinking?)

9.      माँ खाना पका रही है। (Mom is cooking food.)

10.   वो खेत में काम कर रहे हैं। (They are working in the field.)

11.   मैं खेल खेल रहा हूँ। (I am playing.)

12.   वह समय पर नहीं रहा है। (He is not coming on time.)

13.   तुम्हारा दोस्त अभी रहा है। (Your friend is coming now.)

14.   हम पार्टी में जा रहे हैं। (We are going to the party.)

15.   वो अपनी किताब पढ़ रहा है। (He is reading his book.)

16.   क्या तुम खाना खा रहे हो? (Are you eating food?)

17.   वे खेल खेल रहे हैं। (They are playing.)

18.   मेरा भाई घर पर है। (My brother is at home.)

19.   वह अपने दोस्त से मिल रही है। (She is meeting her friend.)

20.   आप किस समय रहे हैं? (What time are you coming?)

21.   मैं अभी घर जा रहा हूँ। (I am going home now.)

22.   वे खेलते खेलते थक गए। (They got tired while playing.)

23.   तुम किताब पढ़ रहे हो। (You are reading a book.)

24.   वो अपने काम पर व्यस्त है। (He is busy with his work.)

25.   क्या वह आज कक्षा रही है? (Is she coming to class today?)

26.   हम अब जा रहे हैं। (We are leaving now.)

27.   बच्चे खेलते हुए दिख रहे हैं। (The children are playing.)

28.   वह अपने दोस्तों के साथ घूम रही है। (She is hanging out with her friends.)

29.   तुम मेरी मदद कर रहे हो। (You are helping me.)

30.   वे अभी तक खाना नहीं खा रहे हैं। (They haven't eaten yet.)

31.   क्या तुम स्कूल जा रहे हो? (Are you going to school?)

32.   मैं तुम्हें बता रहा हूँ। (I am telling you.)

33.   वह खेत में काम कर रहे हैं। (He is working in the field.)

34.   तुम आज अच्छे लग रहे हो। (You are looking good today.)

35.   हम समय पर पहुँच रहे हैं। (We are arriving on time.)

36.   उसकी माँ उसके साथ है। (His mother is with him.)

37.   वे फ़ोन पर बात कर रहे हैं। (They are talking on the phone.)

38.   मैं खुश हूँ कि तुम यहाँ हो। (I am glad that you are here.)

39.   वो स्कूल जा रही है। (She is going to school.)

40.   तुम अब भी पढ़ रहे हो? (Are you still studying?)

41.   उसके पास समय नहीं है। (He doesn't have time.)

42.   मैं उसका इंतजार कर रहा हूँ। (I am waiting for him.)

43.   वह सड़क पार कर रहा है। (He is crossing the road.)

44.   तुम क्या देख रहे हो? (What are you looking at?)

45.   हम आपकी मदद कर रहे हैं। (We are helping you.)

46.   वे खुश हो रहे हैं। (They are getting happy.)

47.   तुम अपना काम कर रहे हो। (You are doing your work.)

48.   मैं यहाँ अब होने वाला हूँ। (I am going to be here soon.)

49.   वह अपने दोस्त से मिल रही है। (She is meeting her friend.)

50.   तुम बिलकुल सही कह रहे हो। (You are absolutely right.)

Tips on How to Speak English Fluently.

Learning spoken English involves a combination of practice, exposure, and consistent effort. Here are some steps to help you learn spoken English effectively:

1.      Build a Strong Foundation:

Ensure you have a basic understanding of English grammar and vocabulary. This will help you construct sentences correctly.


2.      Listen Actively:

Listen to native speakers of English as much as possible. This can be through movies, TV shows, podcasts, music, or even conversations with native speakers.


3.      Immerse Yourself:

Surround yourself with English as much as possible. Change the language settings on your devices, read English books, and try to think in English.


4.      Practice Speaking:

Practice speaking English daily, even if it's just for a few minutes. Speak aloud while reading, repeat phrases from movies or videos, or have conversations with yourself.


5.      Conversational Partners:

Find language exchange partners or join English-speaking groups. Engaging in conversations with others helps you practice real-life communication.


6.      Use Language Learning Apps:

There are various apps designed for language learning that offer interactive exercises, speaking practice, and vocabulary building.

7.      Record Yourself:

Record your voice while speaking and listen to it. This can help you identify areas for improvement and track your progress.


8.      Learn and Practice Common Phrases:

Start with everyday phrases and expressions that you can use in various situations. This will boost your confidence in real-life conversations.


9.      Watch and Mimic:

Watch videos or movies in English and try to mimic the way native speakers pronounce words and phrases. Pay attention to their intonation and rhythm.


10.   Take Online Courses:

Enroll in online courses that specifically focus on spoken English. These courses often provide structured lessons and opportunities for practice.


11.   Seek Feedback:

Ask for feedback from native speakers or proficient English speakers. Constructive criticism can help you identify areas where you need improvement.


12.   Practice Regularly:

Consistency is key. Dedicate time daily to practice speaking, listening, and expanding your vocabulary.


13.   Don't Fear Mistakes:

Remember that making mistakes is a natural part of the learning process. Don't be afraid to speak even if you're unsure – practice will help you improve.


14.   Set Goals:

Set achievable goals for yourself, such as holding a short conversation with a native speaker, giving a presentation, or participating in discussions.

Remember that learning spoken English takes time and patience. Be persistent and stay motivated, and you'll gradually see improvement in your speaking skills.

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