Tuesday, October 1, 2024

[Class 3] Presentation on If I Could Have Any Superpower, What Would It Be?

[Class 3] Presentation on If I Could Have Any Superpower, What Would It Be?

Hello everyone! Today, I am going to talk about a superpower I wish I had.

If I could have any superpower, I would choose the power to fly. Flying would be so much fun! I could zoom through the sky like a bird and see everything from above. I would be able to fly over tall buildings, trees, and even mountains.

If I could fly, I would never get stuck in traffic. I could travel to school, parks, or even other countries very fast. I would also help people by flying to places where help is needed, like rescuing someone from a high place.

Flying would make me feel free, like I could go anywhere I wanted. I think it would be an amazing superpower because I could see the world in a whole new way.

That’s why I would choose the superpower of flying.

Thank you for listening!

[Class 3] Presentation on My Favorite Animal and Why I Love It

Presentation on My Favorite Animal and Why I Love It

Hello everyone! Today, I am going to talk about my favorite animal.

My favorite animal is the dog. Dogs are friendly, playful, and loyal. I love dogs because they make me feel happy.

Dogs come in many different sizes and colors. Some dogs are big, like a German Shepherd, and some dogs are small, like a Chihuahua. No matter the size, dogs are always fun to be with.

One thing I love about dogs is that they are very good friends. When I am sad, my dog comes to me and makes me feel better. Dogs like to play with toys, run in the park, and even learn tricks. My favorite thing to do with dogs is to play fetch, where I throw a ball, and they bring it back to me.

Dogs are also smart. They can help people in many ways. Some dogs help police officers, and some dogs help people who cannot see. They can also protect us by barking when there is danger.

In my house, we have a pet dog. His name is Max. He loves to wag his tail when he is happy. I love spending time with Max because he is always excited to see me.

This is why I love dogs. They are not just pets, they are like family members.

Thank you for listening!

Monday, September 30, 2024

[Class 3] Presentation on My Dream Job: What I Want to Be When I Grow Up

Presentation on My Dream Job: What I Want to Be When I Grow Up

Hello everyone! Today, I am going to talk about my dream job.

When I grow up, I want to be a doctor. A doctor is someone who helps people when they are sick or hurt. Doctors take care of people by giving them medicine and helping them feel better.

I want to be a doctor because I love helping people. When my friends or family feel sick, I want to make them feel better. Doctors are very kind, and they know a lot about how the body works. I want to learn all about the body, like how the heart beats or how we breathe.

Doctors work in hospitals or clinics. They listen to our hearts, check our throats, and look at our ears to make sure we are healthy. Sometimes, doctors also give us advice on how to stay strong, like eating healthy food and getting enough rest.

One day, I hope to wear a white coat like doctors do and have my own office where I can help lots of people. I think being a doctor is very important because they save lives and keep us healthy.

That’s why my dream job is to be a doctor when I grow up.

Thank you for listening!

[Class 3] Presentation on My Dream Job: Police – What I Want to Be When I Grow Up

Presentation on My Dream Job: Police – What I Want to Be When I Grow Up

Hello everyone! Today, I am going to talk about my dream job.

When I grow up, I want to be a police officer. A police officer helps keep everyone safe. They make sure people follow the rules and stop bad things from happening.

I want to be a police officer because I want to help people. Police officers are brave, and they protect us from danger. They also help find lost people and catch thieves. If someone is in trouble, they call the police, and the police come to help.

Police officers wear uniforms and drive police cars. They work day and night to make sure our neighborhoods are safe. I like how police officers help keep the streets clean and make sure everyone follows the law.

One day, I hope to wear a police uniform and help my community. I want to stop bad guys, help people cross the road safely, and teach others how to stay safe. I think being a police officer is a very important job because they protect us every day.

That’s why my dream job is to be a police officer when I grow up.

Thank you for listening!

Sunday, September 29, 2024

[Class 3] Presentation on My Dream Job: Army Officer – What I Want to Be When I Grow Up

Hello everyone! Today, I am going to talk about my dream job.

When I grow up, I want to be an army officer. An army officer is someone who protects our country. They are brave and strong, and they work to keep us safe from enemies.

I want to be an army officer because I want to protect my country. Army officers help make sure that we can live in peace. They work hard to keep the borders safe and protect people during times of danger.

Army officers wear uniforms and have special training. They learn how to work as a team and use their skills to help others. They also help people during natural disasters, like floods or earthquakes.

One day, I hope to wear the army uniform and serve my country. I want to help make the world a safer place and make my family proud. I think being an army officer is a very important job because they keep the whole country safe.

That’s why my dream job is to be an army officer when I grow up.

Thank you for listening!

[Class 3] Presentation on My Dream Job: Teacher – What I Want to Be When I Grow Up

Presentation on My Dream Job: Teacher – What I Want to Be When I Grow Up

Hello everyone! Today, I am going to talk about my dream job.

When I grow up, I want to be a teacher. A teacher is someone who helps children learn new things. Teachers are kind, and they teach us important lessons every day.

I want to be a teacher because I love to help others. Teachers make learning fun. They teach us how to read, write, do math, and learn about the world. I want to help children understand new things, just like my teachers help me.

Teachers work in schools, and they have classrooms where students sit and learn. They use books, chalkboards, and fun activities to make learning interesting. I like how teachers ask questions and give us the answers so we can learn more.

One day, I hope to stand in front of a class and teach children, just like my teachers do. I want to make learning exciting for kids and help them grow smart and strong. Being a teacher is important because teachers help shape the future.

That’s why my dream job is to be a teacher when I grow up.

Thank you for listening!

[Class 3] Presentation on My Dream Job: Software Engineer – What I Want to Be When I Grow Up

Presentation on My Dream Job: Software Engineer – What I Want to Be When I Grow Up

Hello everyone! Today, I am going to talk about my dream job.

When I grow up, I want to be a software engineer. A software engineer is someone who makes computer programs and apps that we use every day. They help create things like video games, websites, and mobile apps.

I want to be a software engineer because I love working with computers. Software engineers use coding to tell the computer what to do. Coding is like giving the computer instructions. I think it’s fun to create things with computers, like games or programs that can help people.

Software engineers work in offices or from home, and they use special computer tools to build apps and websites. They also solve problems when something is not working right. I like how they can make things better and easier for everyone.

One day, I hope to make my own video game or app that many people will use and enjoy. I want to help people by creating useful software that makes life easier or more fun.

That’s why my dream job is to be a software engineer when I grow up.

Thank you for listening!

[Class 3] Presentation on If I Could Have Any Superpower, What Would It Be?

Hello everyone! Today, I am going to talk about a superpower I wish I had. If I could have any superpower, I would choose the power to fly ....