Monday, September 18, 2023

English conversation between a buyers and seller in vegetable shop.

Buyer: Good morning!

Seller: Good morning! How can I help you today?

Buyer: I'm looking for some fresh vegetables for the week. What do you have available?

Seller: We have a variety of vegetables. Let me show you what we have. Here are some beautiful tomatoes, cucumbers, bell peppers, and zucchinis.

Buyer: Those tomatoes look really ripe. I'll take a kilogram of those, please.

Seller: Sure thing. One kilogram of tomatoes. What else can I get you?

Buyer: I also need some onions and garlic. Do you have those?

Seller: Of course, we do. Here are some fresh onions and garlic bulbs. How much do you need?

Buyer: I'll take half a kilogram of onions and a dozen garlic bulbs, please.

Seller: Got it. Half a kilogram of onions and a dozen garlic bulbs. Anything else?

Buyer: Yes, I need some leafy greens. Do you have spinach or kale?

Seller: Sorry, we're out of spinach today, but we do have some fresh kale. Would you like a bunch?

Buyer: Yes, please, a bunch of kale sounds great.

Seller: Great choice! Anything else you're looking for today?

Buyer: I think that should do it for now. How much is everything?

Seller: Okay, let me calculate that for you. It's one kilogram of tomatoes, half a kilogram of onions, a dozen garlic bulbs, and a bunch of kale. That will be 120 Rupees.

Buyer: Perfect, here's a 200 bill.

Seller: Thank you. Here's your change of  60 Rupees. Is there anything else I can help you with?

Buyer: No, that's all for today. Thank you for your assistance.

Seller: You're welcome! Have a great day, and enjoy your fresh vegetables!

Buyer: Thanks, you too. Goodbye!

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