Sunday, September 29, 2024

[Class 3] Presentation on My Dream Job: Civil Engineer – What I Want to Be When I Grow Up

Presentation on My Dream Job: Civil Engineer – What I Want to Be When I Grow Up

Hello everyone! Today, I am going to talk about my dream job.

When I grow up, I want to be a civil engineer. A civil engineer is someone who designs and builds things like roads, bridges, and buildings. They help make sure that the places we live and travel are safe and strong.

I want to be a civil engineer because I like building things. Civil engineers work on big projects, like schools, hospitals, and parks. They help make sure everything is built the right way, so it doesn’t break or fall.

Civil engineers use special tools and drawings to plan their work. They think about how to make buildings strong, even during bad weather like storms or earthquakes. I like how civil engineers solve problems and make our cities better places to live.

One day, I hope to design a big bridge or a tall building that people will use. I want to help make the world a safer and nicer place with my designs.

That’s why my dream job is to be a civil engineer when I grow up.

Thank you for listening!

[Class 3]Presentation on My Dream Job: Mechanical Engineer – What I Want to Be When I Grow Up

Presentation on My Dream Job Mechanical Engineer

Hello everyone! Today, I am going to talk about my dream job.

When I grow up, I want to be a mechanical engineer. A mechanical engineer is someone who designs and builds machines. They help make things like cars, airplanes, and even robots.

I want to be a mechanical engineer because I love learning how things work. Mechanical engineers make sure machines run smoothly. They help create new machines and fix broken ones. I think it’s exciting to work with engines, gears, and tools.

Mechanical engineers work in many places like factories, offices, and even labs. They design machines on computers and then build them. They also help make machines better, faster, and safer.

One day, I hope to design a cool car or a fast airplane. I want to create machines that help people travel, work, and have fun.

That’s why my dream job is to be a mechanical engineer when I grow up.

Thank you for listening!

[Class 3]Presentation on My Dream Job: Pilot – What I Want to Be When I Grow Up

Presentation on My Dream Job: Pilot – What I Want to Be When I Grow Up

Hello everyone! Today, I am going to talk about my dream job.

When I grow up, I want to be a pilot. A pilot is someone who flies airplanes and helicopters. Pilots take people and goods from one place to another in the sky.

I want to be a pilot because I love airplanes and flying high in the sky. Pilots get to travel to many different countries and see new places. I think it would be exciting to fly a big airplane and help people travel safely.

Pilots have to learn how to control the airplane. They use buttons, levers, and maps to make sure the airplane flies in the right direction. Pilots also talk to people in the airport control tower to keep the plane safe while flying.

One day, I hope to fly a big airplane and take people to their favorite places. I want to help people travel to their homes, vacations, and other countries. I think being a pilot is a very important job because pilots help connect the world.

That’s why my dream job is to be a pilot when I grow up.

Thank you for listening!

[Class 3] Presentation on My Dream Job: Scientist – What I Want to Be When I Grow Up


Presentation on My Dream Job Scientist – What I Want to Be When I Grow Up

Hello everyone! Today, I am going to talk about my dream job.

When I grow up, I want to be a scientist. A scientist is someone who studies the world and tries to discover new things. Scientists help make life better by learning about nature, animals, space, and even medicine.

I want to be a scientist because I love to ask questions and find answers. Scientists do experiments to learn how things work. They help make new inventions, cure diseases, and protect our planet.

Scientists work in labs and use tools like microscopes to look at tiny things. Some scientists study plants and animals, while others study stars and planets. There are so many different things to learn, and I want to explore them all.

One day, I hope to discover something new that will help people. Maybe I will find a new medicine, a cool invention, or even something that helps save the environment.

That’s why my dream job is to be a scientist when I grow up.

Thank you for listening!

Saturday, April 20, 2024

Solitude by the Seaside A Single Man's Moonlit Musings.

In the quiet of the night, under the gentle glow of the moon, a solitary figure sits by the sea. The rhythmic crash of the waves against the shore fills the air, breaking the silence that envelops him. As he gazes out into the vast expanse of the ocean, a wave of emotions washes over him, mingling with the salt-laden breeze.

Alone in his thoughts, he finds solace in the tranquil beauty of the night. The silver beams of moonlight dance on the surface of the water, casting a mesmerizing glow that captivates his senses. With each wave that rolls in and retreats back, he feels a sense of connection to the ebb and flow of life itself.

Yet, amidst the serene surroundings, a pang of loneliness lingers in his heart. The absence of companionship weighs heavily on him, as he yearns for someone to share this moment with. The laughter of friends, the warmth of a lover's embrace - these are distant memories that echo in the recesses of his mind.

But even in solitude, there is beauty to be found. The symphony of the sea, the whisper of the wind, the soft crunch of sand beneath his feet - these are his companions tonight. And as he embraces the solitude, he discovers a sense of peace within himself.

For in the quietude of the night, he finds the space to reflect, to introspect, to simply be. Here, by the sea, under the watchful gaze of the moon, he is free to explore the depths of his own soul. And though he may be alone in this moment, he knows that he is never truly alone.

For the sea, with its timeless wisdom, whispers secrets of resilience and strength. And the moon, with its comforting glow, reminds him that even in the darkest of nights, there is light to guide him home.

So he sits, content in his solitude, as the waves continue their eternal dance. And as the night wears on, he finds comfort in the knowledge that he is exactly where he needs to be - alone, yet infinitely connected to the vast universe that surrounds him.

When the Water Disappears: A Fish's Tale of Survival.

Once upon a time, in a big blue ocean, there lived a little fish named Fin. Fin loved to swim and play in the cool, clear water. But one day, something strange happened. The water started to disappear!

At first, Fin didn't understand what was happening. He swam around, looking for the familiar waves, but all he found was dry sand. Panic bubbled up inside him. Where did all the water go?

As Fin darted around, he saw his fish friends flopping on the ground, gasping for breath. Their gills were dry, and their scales were starting to crack. It was a scary sight. Fin knew he had to find water, and fast.

He remembered a pond nearby where the water was usually deep and cool. With all his might, Fin flopped and wriggled his way across the dry land. Each flop felt heavier than the last, but he didn't give up hope.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, Fin reached the pond. But his heart sank when he saw it was almost empty. There were just a few puddles left, barely enough for a sip.

Fin took a deep breath (or as deep as a fish could) and plunged into the largest puddle. It was murky and warm, but it was water. He gulped it down, feeling the life flow back into his tired body.

As Fin rested in the shallow water, he thought about his home in the ocean. He missed the vastness of the sea, the gentle sway of the currents, and the colorful coral reefs. But most of all, he missed feeling safe.

The sun beat down on Fin, drying up the last puddles around him. He knew he couldn't stay here forever. So, with renewed determination, Fin set off in search of a new home, hoping to find a place where the water would never disappear again.

And as he swam away, Fin promised himself that he would never take water for granted. It was more precious than gold, more valuable than pearls. It was life itself.

So, the next time you turn on the faucet or take a sip from your water bottle, remember Fin's journey. Remember that for some creatures, water isn't just a convenience. It's a matter of life and death.

Let's Help Our Earth: Making a Difference Together

Hey there, friends! Have you ever looked around and felt amazed by how beautiful our Earth is? I sure have! From the tall trees to the cute animals, there's so much to love about our planet. But lately, I've been thinking about something important: how we can help take care of our Earth.

You see, We've noticed that things are changing. It's getting hotter, and some places don't have as much water as they used to. That's not good news for us or for the animals and plants that live here.

Every little thing we do matters. Whether it's using less water, using less energy, or speaking up for the Earth, each action helps protect the magic of life.

Use Less Water: When you brush your teeth or take a shower, try not to let the water run for too long. And remember to turn off the tap tightly so we don't waste any water.

Save Energy: When we use electricity, it makes our Earth warmer. So, let's turn off the lights when we leave a room and unplug our toys when we're not playing with them. That way, we can save energy and help keep our Earth cool.

Recycle: Instead of throwing things away, let's try to recycle them! That means putting cans, bottles, and paper in the right bins so they can be turned into new things. It's like giving our old stuff a second chance!

Plant Trees: Trees are like superheroes for our Earth. They give us clean air to breathe and shade to keep us cool. So, let's plant trees whenever we can, whether it's in our backyard or at a park.

Talk About It: Lastly, let's talk to our friends and family about why it's important to take care of our Earth. The more people know, the more we can all work together to make a difference.

Taking care of our Earth is something we can all do, no matter how small we are. So let's join hands and do our part to make sure our planet stays happy and healthy for a long, long time!

[Class 3] Presentation on If I Could Have Any Superpower, What Would It Be?

Hello everyone! Today, I am going to talk about a superpower I wish I had. If I could have any superpower, I would choose the power to fly ....